Friday, 29 April 2011

a week of busy-ness...

I can't believe how much we have managed to squeeze into the last few days...
We have had so much new stock arrive in time for Mother's Day.
Every time a courier truck pulls up out the front of the shop, I think "here we go again!!"
There's been decorative pieces, pots and plants galore for "Outdoor".
And for our other shop, some of the staff favourites have been hand made spanish glass vases, candles from Palm Beach, phalaenopsis orchids which we've potted into glass vessels with moss, muslin and linen wrapped soaps, and zinc finish storage chests.

We've also had two photo shoots, potted up atriums by the dozens for homewares chain store "Papaya", and been on a buying trip to the country for more pots.

Glass of chardy was enjoyed whilst watching wedding last night...
I loved every minute of it, the pomp and ceremony, the dress, the trees and flowers in the abbey, and the beautiful bride with her dashing prince.

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